Why do famous bloggers stop blogging?

1. Is it because they forget their username/password and get locked out of their blog?

2. Is it because they start new websites and write for the development of that site?

3. Do they lose their speech because some greedy female fan bit off their tongue (a species of Ardentophilus linguophagicus)? Aside– do ‘they’ have a tongue or several tongues?

4. Do they get elected President?

5. Do they rub shoulders in fashion events with scantily clad nymphs who look like Asian Paints representatives? 

6. Do they lose their sense of humor and start writing columns for other websites?


DSC00131In case you guessed it, here is a holiday for two to Alaska from me– here is a priceless depiction of the erstwhile blogger Rambodoc (now occasionally seen, like a horse in pajamas, in social media like Twitter or Facebook) on the ramp. The pictures of sundry Asian Paints representatives rubbing their ample assets on his strong arms have been deleted by the Indian Government. 

Oh, and about the Alaska trip? Just buy the tickets. I will buy you a bear beer.

18 responses to “WHEN BLOGGING IS SHOT DEAD….

  1. Never knew you were a fashion model… 😛 and you want to a president? All the best at that 😛

  2. Awesome! I’m very impressed. Today Kolkata, tomorrow Milan!
    Do you do lingerie?

  3. kya baat hai!! fashion ramp!! Woot!

  4. First I ticked answer number two but after I saw the photos I realised that answer number 5 was the right answer!

  5. Now your handles are really making sense: Rambo (doc) and Six pac (doc). Cool!

    I do hope blogging doesn’t go out of fashion for this role ‘model’ blogger.

  6. Vishesh: President, me? Maybe my company’s, at the most!
    Naren: I am philosophically opposed to lingerie. I think they are totally unnecessary and a waste of time. I am making a bare breast of my position in this regard. BTW, I want milan more than Milan!
    Reema & Prerna:
    I don’t blame you for not expecting the unexpected. 🙂
    I thought you knew!

  7. Woo hoo! At least one person i know (kind of!) is a big deal who has also walked the ramp!

    I feel so proud of myself!

  8. New website, columns and a showstopper on the ramp ? Doc, aap to fultu famous ho gaye !

    Good for you. Congrats ..

  9. Athreya:
    I was always famous– just that I was too modest to admit it!

  10. Admit it – you’re doing all that only so you have a valid excuse not to update here, don’t you?! Gosh, the lengths people will go to!!

    Very nice :))


  11. Gauri:
    No, no… you know it! I would love to write here more. It’s just that there is so much to-dos that ……

  12. Oh my, you are dapper!

  13. Wow, that is awesome doc! Ramp walk doc! Love the BMI-india site too!

  14. Maami:
    If you want a date, just ask! 😉
    Thanks, mate! The BMI site needs much nurturing, and a makeover is soon foreseen.

  15. Hey rambodoc, that was good. Did you blush-slush up there? Oh, whats with the little thumbnail picture with your head sliced off? Its all about the body, eh! Congrats for #2 and #6 too!

  16. What a list of great achievements! Kudos & congrats!

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